Edith Kusnirovich
Cherry Forest Festival Executive Director
The Cherry Forest Open Art Festival has always strived to continuously look for and offer its audience a chance to discover not only artists but whole art movements. Our program always included grand-scale art projects, realized both independently and in collaboration with the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the State Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Moscow Contemporary Art Museum (MMOMA), and the Russian Realistic Art Institute Museum. For the first time, the Cherry Forest Festival showcases Russian contemporary art of the 21st century, artworks that are being created right now. The exhibition is distinct, novel, and large-scale. The visitors at GUM have a unique opportunity to delve into this art scene and discover it in all its variety: each artist taking part in the GUM-Red-Line exhibition has their individual and instantly recognizable style. Our exhibition is very likely among the first platforms that offer Russian lovers of art a chance to see all types of contemporary visual arts in one space. Moreover, our visitors can also buy artworks at the exhibition.
We considered the concept of BoscoMagazine to be both exciting and quite ambitious from the very beginning. Each new cover and each new artist made it clear that the project – different artists interpret the theme of family – has great potential, both in artistic and educational terms, and the Cherry Forest Festival has always focused on the importance of realizing such potential. We are happy to include GUM-Red-Line as a part of this year’s program and to present viewers who might be unfamiliar with contemporary Russian artists artworks that are well-known both in Russia and abroad and that have been showcased in both private collections and the leading museums of the world. We do hope that the exhibition will be the first step in establishing a fine tradition of popularizing contemporary art.